KOD NAS SE KAŽE - Maja Stojanović

Šifra: B-62-8

I am no linguist, I am no historian, I am no professor. I am just an artist, who fell in love with her heritage and wanted to shout it to the world. This book is a collection of everyday phrases we here are all familiar with, but rarely take the time to appreciate.


A variation of origins, incredible wordplay, wittiness and a hefty dose of humour, are all elements of these expressions I am presenting to you, from my point of view, in illustrated form. Welcome to my educational journey through Balkan culture!

15,49 USD14,99 USD
Akcija traje od 25.04.2024. 09:01 do 28.04.2024. 09:00


Nisam lingvista, nisam istoričarka, niti profesorka. Samo sam umetnica koja se zaljubila u svoje poreklo i želela to na sav glas da vikne svetu. Ova knjiga je skup svakidašnjih fraza sa kojima smo ovde svi upoznati, ali retko kada cenimo. Razna porekla, sjajna igra rečima i fantastična doza humora, sve su elementi ovih izreka koje vam predstavljam, iz moje tačke gledišta, u ilustrovanoj formi. Dobro došli na jedno edukativno putovanje kroz Balkansku kulturu!


  • Release year: 2021.
  • Number of pages: 160
  • Letter: Latin
  • Binding: Hard
  • Format: 21cm

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