Borislav Stanković – Gospodin Košarka-ALEKSANDAR MILETIĆ

Šifra: B-73-106

Brand: Službeni glasnik

This monograph on Borislav Stanković, one of the truly great men of basketball – player, coach, sports administrator and, above all, a man whose name is uttered with the great respect all over the world – is also a book about the golden age of this wonderful game.

27,49 USD25,49 USD
Akcija traje od 18.01.2025. 09:01 do 21.01.2025. 09:00


This monograph on Borislav Stanković, one of the truly great men of basketball – player, coach, sports administrator and, above all, a man whose name is uttered with the great respect all over the world – is also a book about the golden age of this wonderful game. It tells the story of the brilliant development of basketball in Serbia, Europe and the world, the great enthusiasm that generations of devotees of the game played under the hoop generosly invested in the advancement of basketball, from the time the Canadian professor James Naismith established its rules in 1891 to the present day, when it has become a global sport phenomenon. The ideas and commitment of Borislav Stanković still shine today as a landmark and symbol among the numerous groups of sportsmen/women, devotees of basketball, visionaries and strategists who left a mark on the development of the game over time. This book will show the readers just how brilliantly his achievements shine.

The book, enriched by a series of photographs, follows the life of Borislav Stanković from his beginnings as a player to the position of the first man of world basketball. Testimonies on his life are given by many basketball players, coaches, leaders in sports and Borislav Stanković’s friends from all over the world. Finally and most importantly, it is “Mr. Basketball”, as George Killian – former president of FIBA – called him, himself who talks about his life.

  • prevela Vanda Perović
  • saizdavaštvo sa Košarkaškim savezom Srbije
  • prvo izdanje
  • Godina 2017
  • Format 20 x 24 cm
  • Broj strana 216 str.
  • Povez/pismo: tvrd povez, dvojezično izdanje uporedo srpski/engleski, ćirilica/latinica
  • ISBN 978-86-519-2094-6

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