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- Icons
Šifra: E-146-26
Brand: Riznica nacionalnog blaga
- Icon is in a frame
- Dimensions: 41x33 cm
- It contains a certificate of the National Treasure Treasury
- 24 carat gold plating of metal parts
- The icons are not sanctified!
According to Christianity, the icon should be kept on the east wall of the house!
The introduction is one of the five great feasts of the Virgin. It marks the entry (introduction) of the Holy Mother of God into the temple. It is celebrated on November 21 according to the old calendar, or December 4 according to the new calendar.
Among the Serbs, this day is also called Sveta Prečista. On this day, which is also called the Mother of God, women who have given birth and those who are barren are celebrated, and many receive Holy Communion on this day. In Serbia, this is a weekday, a day when no more important work is undertaken. Apart from those who celebrate this day as their glory, this is also a day celebrated by herders.
Maria, as a three-year-old child, is in accordance with the vow of her parents, Joachim and Anna, that if they give birth, they will give the child to God in the temple. She was brought to Jerusalem, where she was met at the very entrance by the high priest Zacharias. Mary's entry into the temple was followed by a solemn procession.
Virgins with lighted candles were walking in front of Mary. Behind them walked the Blessed Virgin, festively dressed and decorated, between her mother and father, and behind them the rest of her relatives and friends. On entering the temple, the high priest Zechariah led her into the Holy of Holies, the brightest place of the temple behind the second curtain, where only the archpriests enter and that only once a year, on the day of the Purification.
Virgin Mary was the first girl bequeathed for life.
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