Šifra: S-85-63

Brand: Slovenska Mitologija

Author:Slovenska mitologija / Slavic mythology

Rod is the supreme deity of the Old Slavs, he is the pre-Christian Alpha and Omega, the creator of his visible and invisible world, of all universes, one of which is ours. The basis of creation is the eternal vortex, Kolovrat, the numerous variants of which are shown on it. On the other side is the Vinča alphabet, the first and oldest alphabet.

20,49 USD18,99 USD
Akcija traje od 06.02.2025. 09:01 do 09.02.2025. 09:00


  • Figure: Rod
  • Height: 13cm
  • Supplier: ROD
  • Material and workmanship: Made of resin, filled with plaster, hand cast, painted and patinated
  • Contains the author's logo, the ROD brand mark and the original packaging with a description in two languages
  • The sculptures are protected by the Intellectual Property Office


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