- Ivo Andrić / Ivo Andric
- Isidora Bjelica
- Dobrica Ćosić / Dobrica Cosic
- Marko Vidojković / Marko Vidojkovic
- Fredrik Bakman / Fredrik Backman
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- Vladeta Janković / Vladeta Jankovic
- Nil Gejmen / Neil Gaiman
- Nenad Gajić / Nenad Gajic
- Bojan Ljubenović / Bojan Ljubenovic
- Paulo Koeljo / Paulo Coelho
- Vuk Stefanović Karadžić / Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic
- Dušan Kovačević / Dusan Kovacevic
- Ivan Ivanji
- Ju Nesbe / Jo Nesbo
- Siniša Ubović / Sinisa Ubovic
- Dejan Stojiljković / Dejan Stojiljkovic
- Jelena Bačić Alimpić / Jelena Bacic Alimpic
- Jovan Jovanović Zmaj / Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj
- Dragan Velikić / Dragan Velikic
- Agata Kristi / Agatha Christie
- Mirjana Bobić Mojsilović / Mirjana Bobic Mojsilovi
- Liz Pišon / Liz Pichon
- Antoan de Sent Egziperi / Antoine de Saint-Exupery
- Jovan Dučić / Jovan Ducic
- Meša Selimović / Mesa Selimovic
- Sofi Kinsela / Sophie Kinsella
- Borislav Pekić / Borislav Pekic
- Dejan Lučić / Dejan Lucic
- Džordž R.R. Martin / George R. R. Martin
- Igor Marojević / Igor Marojevic
- Ljubivoje Ršumović / Ljubivoje Rsumovic
- Luka Mičeta / Luka Miceta
- Mario Vargas Ljosa / Mario Vargas Llosa
- Miroslav Antić / Miroslav Antic
- Rodžer Hargrivs / Roger Hargreaves
- Svetislav Basara
- Uroš Petrović
- Vanja Bulić / Vanja Bulic
- Žoze Saramago / Jose Saramago
- Stiven King / Stephen King
- Sidni Šeldon / Sidney Sheldon
- Gijom Muso / Guillaume Musso
- Milorad Pavić / Milorad Pavic
- Robin S.Šarma / Robin S.Sharma
- Svetlana Velmar Janković
- Nikola Tesla
- Sveti Sava / St. Sava / Saint Sava
- Slobodan Stanišić / Slobodan Stanisic
- Sveti Nikola / Sv. Nikola / Saint Nicholas / St. N
- Momo Kapor
- Branislav Nušić / Nusic
- Srpske Istorijske Figure / SERBIAN COLLECTIBLE CHA
- Sveti Djordje / Saint George
- Sv. Jovan / St. John
- Bogorodica / mother of god
- Car Dušan / emperor Dusan
- Knez Lazar
- Miloš Obilić / Milos Obilic
- Tom Telehen / Toon Tellegen
- Slovenska mitologija / Slavic mythology
- Sirogojno
- Društvene igre
Discover the Magic of Neil Gaiman: From Norse Mythology to American Gods
Neil Gaiman, born November 10th, 1960, is a renowned English writer of science fiction and epic fantasy novels, as well as comic book screenplays. Since moving to Minneapolis, Minnesota in 2006, he has had two daughters, Holly and Madeline, and a son, Michael, from his first marriage.
Neil Gaiman's Most Famous Works: Embark on a Journey into Mythology
His extraordinary works and comics are highly sought after online. Neil Gaiman's books explore science fiction and mythological novels, offering you a wealth of knowledge and enjoyment as you read through these masterpieces.
Norse Mythology - Irresistible Tale of Gods and Myths
The Guardian once wrote that it's impossible to read just ten sentences of Neil Gaiman and stop. His book Norse Mythology truly isn't a work you can simply skim through. Even if you're not a fan of mythology, after only a few pages, you'll want to learn everything about Norse mythology and other mythologies of the world. If you're a fan of Lord of the Rings or Greek mythology, this book will captivate you.
Buy Norse Mythology on and dive into a fascinating world of myths and legends!
American Gods - The Novel that Unites All Mythologies of the World
If you enjoy novels that combine multiple genres and mythology, American Gods is the right choice for you. This novel blends fantasy and mythology while also encompassing the history, culture, and geography of the United States. Gaiman succeeds in creating a unique genre through this story.
The book American Gods follows the life of Shadow, who has spent three years in prison. Through a series of unexpected events, Shadow finds himself in the middle of a battle between old and new gods, symbolizing the internet and modern technologies. This novel offers a unique and interesting plot that will keep you in suspense.

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