- Ivo Andrić / Ivo Andric
- Isidora Bjelica
- Dobrica Ćosić / Dobrica Cosic
- Marko Vidojković / Marko Vidojkovic
- Fredrik Bakman / Fredrik Backman
- Nenad Novak Stefanović / Nenad Novak Stefanovic
- Vladeta Janković / Vladeta Jankovic
- Nil Gejmen / Neil Gaiman
- Nenad Gajić / Nenad Gajic
- Bojan Ljubenović / Bojan Ljubenovic
- Paulo Koeljo / Paulo Coelho
- Vuk Stefanović Karadžić / Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic
- Dušan Kovačević / Dusan Kovacevic
- Ivan Ivanji
- Ju Nesbe / Jo Nesbo
- Siniša Ubović / Sinisa Ubovic
- Dejan Stojiljković / Dejan Stojiljkovic
- Jelena Bačić Alimpić / Jelena Bacic Alimpic
- Jovan Jovanović Zmaj / Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj
- Dragan Velikić / Dragan Velikic
- Agata Kristi / Agatha Christie
- Mirjana Bobić Mojsilović / Mirjana Bobic Mojsilovi
- Liz Pišon / Liz Pichon
- Antoan de Sent Egziperi / Antoine de Saint-Exupery
- Jovan Dučić / Jovan Ducic
- Meša Selimović / Mesa Selimovic
- Sofi Kinsela / Sophie Kinsella
- Borislav Pekić / Borislav Pekic
- Dejan Lučić / Dejan Lucic
- Džordž R.R. Martin / George R. R. Martin
- Igor Marojević / Igor Marojevic
- Ljubivoje Ršumović / Ljubivoje Rsumovic
- Luka Mičeta / Luka Miceta
- Mario Vargas Ljosa / Mario Vargas Llosa
- Miroslav Antić / Miroslav Antic
- Rodžer Hargrivs / Roger Hargreaves
- Svetislav Basara
- Uroš Petrović
- Vanja Bulić / Vanja Bulic
- Žoze Saramago / Jose Saramago
- Stiven King / Stephen King
- Sidni Šeldon / Sidney Sheldon
- Gijom Muso / Guillaume Musso
- Milorad Pavić / Milorad Pavic
- Robin S.Šarma / Robin S.Sharma
- Svetlana Velmar Janković
- Nikola Tesla
- Sveti Sava / St. Sava / Saint Sava
- Slobodan Stanišić / Slobodan Stanisic
- Sveti Nikola / Sv. Nikola / Saint Nicholas / St. N
- Momo Kapor
- Branislav Nušić / Nusic
- Srpske Istorijske Figure / SERBIAN COLLECTIBLE CHA
- Sveti Djordje / Saint George
- Sv. Jovan / St. John
- Bogorodica / mother of god
- Car Dušan / emperor Dusan
- Knez Lazar
- Miloš Obilić / Milos Obilic
- Tom Telehen / Toon Tellegen
- Slovenska mitologija / Slavic mythology
- Sirogojno
- Društvene igre
Jose Saramago: Brilliance of the Portuguese Nobel Prize-winning Author
Jose Saramago (1922, Azinhaga – 2010, Canary Islands) was a renowned Portuguese writer and the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1998. Born into a poor family, Saramago embarked on a long and arduous journey to become one of the most respected writers of his time. Through his early years, he persistently learned and honed his craft, transitioning from the fields of auto mechanics and journalism to literature. His works, which encompass novels, poems, short stories, essays, and plays, often highlighted his sharp critique of monarchy, Catholicism, and capitalism.
After publishing his first novel, "Land of Sin" in 1947, Saramago returned to literature in 1966 with the collection "Possible Poems." Numerous works followed, including novels such as "Manual of Painting and Calligraphy," "The Stone Raft," "The History of the Siege of Lisbon," "The Gospel According to Jesus Christ," "Blindness," "All the Names," and "The Cave." Saramago also authored plays like "Night," "What Shall I Do With This Book?" and "In Nomine Dei."
In addition to the Nobel Prize, Saramago received the prestigious Camões Prize in 1995, the most important award for writers of Portuguese literary expression. His work and political engagement often drew comparisons to George Orwell, emphasizing their shared critique of empires and globalism.

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